Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Welcome to the Tanks to Tractors blog. We hope that what you will follow this blog and that what you read will inspire and compel you to think more about the teachings of Jesus and their implications on our priorities as his followers. In particular, we believe that Jesus ushered in a new kingdom, unlike those of this world. And as King of this Kingdom, he demonstrated its reign. In his Kingdom, even enemies are to be loved. How are they to be loved? He shows us. When we were his enemies, mockers, demanding his execution, he laid down his life for us. In his Kingdom love is demonstrated by sacrifice. In his Kingdom, the greatest power is not in coercive force, in swords or tanks. The power to overcome death in resurrection, the greatest power in the universe, is preceded by dying. In fact, Jesus' entire life was marked by sacrificial love. Jesus taught us to love one another, love the 'unlovely,' and to touch the 'untouchables' of society. As did Jesus, we believe we are called to confront oppression and injustice wherever it is present and expose it as the contempt for the Creator that it is. We want to follow in Jesus' footsteps by promoting and reflecting the unique Kingdom ethic he demonstrated. We want to be his disciples. We invite you also to learn at the Master's feet, submit to his ways, and embrace his call to self-sacrificial love.

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